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Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the small intestine. It is triggered by the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and their derivatives. When individuals with celiac disease ingest gluten, their immune system responds by attacking the small intestine's lining. This immune reaction damages the villi, small finger-like projections that line the small intestine and play a crucial role in nutrient absorption.

Key points about celiac disease include:

  • Symptoms: The symptoms of celiac disease can vary widely and may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, fatigue, weight loss, and nutrient deficiencies. However, some individuals with celiac disease may not experience any noticeable symptoms.
  • Diagnosis: Diagnosis often involves blood tests to detect specific antibodies related to gluten intolerance and confirmatory tests such as a small intestine biopsy.
  • Prevalence: Celiac disease is estimated to affect around 1% of the global population. It can develop at any age.
  • Complications: If left untreated, celiac disease can lead to various complications, including malnutrition, osteoporosis, infertility, neurological disorders, and an increased risk of certain cancers.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Celiac disease has a strong genetic component. Individuals with a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has celiac disease have a higher risk of developing the condition.

Gluten-Free Diet: Managing celiac disease involves not only eliminating gluten-containing foods but also being vigilant about cross-contamination. This requires careful reading of food labels and ensuring that cooking surfaces and utensils are free from gluten.

"The 'CeliaRelief' developed by Dr. Lacaba and his team is specially formulated from endemic plants found in the rainforests of the Philippines. It aims to reduce and, in some cases, eliminate gluten sensitivity. Particularly, it strengthens the immune system against the significant damage and side effects caused by trace amounts of gluten due to cross-contamination. With a high success rate, it assists in the healing of the intestinal flora, targeting the neutralization of immune cells viewing gluten as a foreign substance. Each bottle is for one month of use ($599 USD), and a minimum usage period of 12 months is recommended for optimal results. It is a 100% safe herbal formula without any side effects. The earlier it is started, the higher the success rate."

Ordering is simple; you can place your order by selecting one of the options below. We provide worldwide first class shipping by air mail.

At Dr Lacaba's Clinic, we understand the importance of offering flexible payment solutions. We provide alternative options for your convenience. 

Here are some payment options you can consider:

  • Bank Transfer: Directly transfer funds from your bank account (mobile banking).
  • (formerly TransferWise): Low-cost international transfers with real exchange rates.
  • MoneyGram: Fast and reliable international money transfer service
  • Western Union: A widely-used service for secure money transfers
  • Koronapay: A convenient and efficient digital payment solution.
  • Online money transfers for instant global transactions.
  • A user-friendly platform for quick and secure international transfers.
  • Ria Money Transfer: Reliable and accessible money transfer services
  • We also accept cryptocurrency payments.

If you are ready to place an order, or have any questions, please contact us promptly via email at:  or
